Prosci Change Management Actually Has The Answers

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Is Your Organization Prepared for the Challenges of Change?

Change is inevitable, but not all organizations can handle it effectively.

Prosci’s Change Management methodology offers a proven solution for navigating the complexities of organizational change and driving successful outcomes.

By focusing on the people side of change, Prosci’s approach helps organizations build the readiness, commitment, and capability needed to achieve their desired results.

With its comprehensive framework and practical tools, Prosci Change Management can help your organization:

  • Increase change success rates
  • Enhance employee engagement and adoption
  • Improve organizational agility


Ready to learn how Prosci’s methodology can transform your organization’s management of change? 

What is Prosci Change Management?

  • Structured approach to managing organizational change
  • Focuses on the people side of change
  • Provides a comprehensive methodology and toolkit

Prosci Change Management is a structured approach to help organizations manage and navigate organizational change effectively.

It strongly emphasizes the human aspect of change, recognizing that the success of any change initiative largely depends on how well individuals within the organization adapt and embrace the change.

The Prosci methodology offers a comprehensive set of tools, frameworks, and best practices that guide organizations through the entire change process, from planning and preparation to implementation and sustainability.

By focusing on the people side of change, Prosci enables organizations to proactively address the concerns, fears, and resistance that often accompany change, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful adoption and achieving desired outcomes.

Prosci ADKAR Model

  • Core of Prosci’s Change Management approach
  • Five stages: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement
  • Guides individuals through the change process.

At the heart of Prosci’s Change Management methodology lies the ADKAR Model, a framework that outlines the five key stages individuals must go through to adopt and sustain change successfully.

ADKAR is an acronym that stands for:

  1. Awareness: Understanding the need for change and the reasons behind it.
  2. Desire: Developing a personal motivation to support and participate in the change.
  3. Knowledge: Acquiring the necessary information, training, and education to implement the change successfully.
  4. Ability: Demonstrating the skills and behaviors required to adopt the change effectively.
  5. Reinforcement: Receiving ongoing support, encouragement, and recognition to maintain the change over time.

By focusing on these five stages, the ADKAR Model helps change leaders and managers understand where individuals are in the change process and provide targeted support to help them progress through each stage.

This model has been widely adopted by organizations worldwide and has proven effective in driving successful change initiatives across various industries and contexts.

Applying the ADKAR Model

To effectively apply the ADKAR Model, change leaders should:

  1. Assess the current state of individuals in relation to each stage of ADKAR.
  2. Develop targeted communication, training, and support strategies to address gaps and move individuals forward.
  3. Continuously monitor progress and adjust interventions as needed.
  4. Celebrate successes and reinforce the change to ensure sustainability.

Prosci's 3-Phase Process

  • Preparing for change
  • Managing change
  • Reinforcing change
  • Provides a roadmap for change management activities

In addition to the ADKAR Model, Prosci’s Change Management methodology includes a 3-Phase Process that provides a structured approach to planning and executing change management activities. The three phases are:

  1. Preparing for change: This phase involves defining the change strategy, building a change management team, and developing a sponsorship model. Key activities include assessing change readiness, identifying potential risks and resistance, and creating a communication plan.
  2. Managing change: During this phase, the focus is on implementing the change management plans developed in the previous phase. This involves executing communication, training, and coaching activities to support individuals through the ADKAR stages. Change leaders also monitor progress, gather feedback, and adjust as needed.
  3. Reinforcing change: The final phase is critical for ensuring the sustainability of the change. It involves celebrating successes, recognizing individual and team contributions, and implementing mechanisms to measure and monitor the change over time. Ongoing communication, training, and support are provided to reinforce the change and prevent backsliding.

By following this three-phase Process, organizations can systematically plan and execute change management activities, ensuring the necessary resources, support, and leadership are in place to drive successful change adoption.

Integrating Change Management with Project Management

To maximize the effectiveness of change initiatives, it is essential to integrate change management activities with project management. Prosci recommends:

  1. Aligning change management and project management plans and timelines.
  2. Establishing a collaborative relationship between change management and project management teams.
  3. Regularly communicating and sharing information between the two disciplines.
  4. Jointly assessing and addressing risks and issues that may impact the success of the change.
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Change management is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Prosci's methodology is flexible and scalable, allowing organizations to tailor their change management efforts to their specific needs and context.

Prosci's Vice President of Global Business, Mark Dorsett

Prosci's Change Management Toolkit

  • Includes assessments, templates, and guides
  • Supports the application of the ADKAR Model and 3-Phase Process
  • Continuously updated based on best practices and research


Prosci offers a comprehensive toolkit that includes assessments, templates, checklists, and guides to support the application of its Change Management methodology. These resources help change leaders and practitioners plan, execute, and monitor change management activities effectively.

Some key components of the Prosci Change Management Toolkit include:

  1. Change Readiness Assessment: This helps organizations assess their overall readiness for change and identify areas that may require additional attention or support.
  2. ADKAR Assessment: Allows individuals to self-assess their progress through the ADKAR stages and provides insights into areas where additional support may be needed.
  3. Communication Templates: Offers a range of customizable templates for creating effective change communication plans and messages.
  4. Sponsorship Roadmap: Guides engaging and mobilizing senior leaders to actively sponsor and support the change initiative.
  5. Resistance Management Plan: Helps change leaders proactively identify and address potential sources of resistance to change.


Prosci continuously updates and expands its toolkit based on the latest research, best practices, and practitioner feedback. This ensures organizations can access the most relevant and effective tools and resources to support their change management efforts.

Organizations can significantly increase their chances of successfully implementing and sustaining change by leveraging Prosci’s comprehensive Change Management methodology, including the ADKAR Model, 3-Phase Process, and toolkit.

This structured approach helps ensure that individuals are prepared, equipped, and supported throughout the change journey, ultimately driving better outcomes and long-term success.


Benefits of Prosci Change Management

Prosci’s Change Management methodology offers a proven approach to managing organizational change effectively.

By focusing on the people side of change, Prosci helps organizations increase their chances of success, improve employee engagement, and build long-term change capabilities.

Increased Change Success Rates

Prosci’s research-based methodology has been shown to consistently improve change project outcomes.

Organizations that apply Prosci’s approach to change management typically experience higher success rates than those that don’t.

This is because Prosci’s methodology addresses the critical human factors that often determine the success or failure of change initiatives.

According to Prosci’s Change Management Best Practices Report, organizations that use Prosci’s methodology significantly increase project success rates. 76% of projects meet objectives compared to 18% without Prosci’s approach.

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Adoption

One of the key benefits of Prosci Change Management is its focus on individual change readiness and resilience.

Prosci helps organizations achieve faster and more successful change adoption by addressing employee resistance and building commitment to change.

This leads to higher employee engagement, as people feel more involved and invested in the change process.

Prosci’s ADKAR Model, which focuses on individual change, is a crucial component of this process.

It ensures that employees are equipped with the necessary awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement to adapt to change successfully.

Improved Organizational Agility

Prosci equips organizations with a structured approach to managing change effectively. Organizations can respond to change more quickly and efficiently by developing internal change management competencies.

This improved organizational agility is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment, where the ability to adapt to change has become a key competitive advantage.

Prosci’s Change Management Maturity Model helps organizations assess their change management capabilities across five key areas: leadership, application, competencies, training, and socialization.

This enables them to identify areas for improvement and enhance their overall agility.

To summarize, Prosci Change Management offers a range of benefits that can help organizations navigate change more successfully.

Prosci’s methodology provides a powerful tool for managing the people side of change by increasing change success rates, enhancing employee engagement, and improving organizational agility.

Next, let’s examine how organizations can assess their change readiness using Prosci’s tools and techniques.

Assessing Organizational Change Readiness with Prosci

  • Evaluate your organization’s ability to implement change successfully
  • Identify strengths and gaps in change readiness factors
  • Gain actionable insights to improve change readiness

Prosci's Change Readiness Assessment

Prosci’s Change Readiness Assessment is a powerful tool for evaluating organizations’ ability to implement change initiatives successfully.

This comprehensive assessment examines factors contributing to change readiness, providing valuable insights into an organization’s strengths and potential gaps.

The assessment covers key areas such as leadership commitment, communication strategies, employee training and support, and alignment with organizational culture.

By thoroughly assessing these factors, organizations can identify areas where they excel and where improvements are needed to ensure a smooth and successful change implementation.

Benefits of the Change Readiness Assessment

Conducting a Change Readiness Assessment offers several benefits:

  1. Proactive identification of potential obstacles
  2. Targeted strategies to address gaps in readiness
  3. Increased confidence in the organization’s ability to navigate change successfully

Key Change Readiness Factors

To determine if an organization is ready for change, evaluating several critical factors is essential. Prosci has identified the following key change readiness factors:

  1. Leadership commitment and sponsorship
    • Active and visible support from executive leaders
    • Allocation of necessary resources for change initiatives
    • Clear communication of the change vision and objectives

  2. Change management resources and expertise
    • Dedicated change management team or individuals
    • Training and development for change practitioners
    • Integration of change management into project plans and processes

  3. Communication and engagement strategies
    • Tailored messaging for different stakeholder groups
    • Regular updates on change progress and milestones
    • Opportunities for employee feedback and participation

  4. Training and support for impacted employees
    • Identification of skills and knowledge gaps
    • Development of targeted training programs
    • Ongoing support and coaching during the change transition

  5. Alignment with organizational culture and values
    • Consideration of existing norms, beliefs, and behaviors
    • Adaptation of change approach to fit the organizational context
    • Reinforcement of desired behaviors and outcomes

Preparing for Change

To create readiness for change, organizations can take several proactive steps:

👉 Conduct a thorough assessment of the current state and desired future state

👉 Engage employees in the change process through open communication and participation

👉 Provide training and development opportunities to build necessary skills

👉 Celebrate successes and milestones along the change journey

👉 Foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

By investing in these preparatory measures, organizations can increase their overall readiness for change and position themselves for successful transitions.

Implementing Prosci's Change Management Methodology

  • Follow Prosci’s 3-phase approach for successful change management
  • Engage stakeholders, communicate effectively, and provide training and support
  • Reinforce change by celebrating successes and embedding it into organizational culture

Step 1: Prepare for Change

Preparing for change is the foundation of successful change management.

Start by clearly defining the change and its impact on the organization.

This includes identifying the change initiative’s scope, objectives, and desired outcomes.

Early in the process, engage key stakeholders and sponsors to gain support and ensure organizational goals are aligned.

Next, develop a comprehensive change management strategy that outlines the approach, timeline, and resources required for implementation.

This strategy should be tailored to your organization’s specific needs and culture, considering factors such as the change’s size, the expected resistance level, and the available resources.

Key activities in the preparation phase

  • Conduct a change readiness assessment
  • Identify potential barriers and risks
  • Develop a communication plan
  • Create a training plan for impacted employees

Step 2: Manage Change

Once the preparation phase is complete, it’s time to manage the change actively.

Start by communicating the change vision and benefits to all impacted employees.

Use a variety of communication channels, such as email, town hall meetings, and one-on-one conversations, to ensure the message is received and understood.

Engage and involve employees throughout the change process to build buy-in and minimize resistance.

This can be done through focus groups, surveys, and feedback sessions.

Provide training and support to help employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the change.

Monitor progress and address any resistance or obstacles that arise.

Use data and feedback to make informed decisions and adjust the change management plan as needed.

Key activities in the manage change phase

  • Implement the communication plan
  • Conduct training sessions
  • Engage change agents and influencers
  • Monitor and measure progress
  • Address resistance and provide support

Step 3: Reinforce Change

The final step in Prosci’s change management methodology is reinforcing the change to ensure it sticks.

Celebrate successes and milestones along the way to maintain momentum and recognize employees’ efforts.

Collect and analyze employee feedback to identify improvement areas and make necessary adjustments.

Based on the feedback received, implement corrective actions and improvements.

To truly embed the change into the organizational culture and processes, continue to communicate the benefits and outcomes of the change—update policies, procedures, and performance metrics to align with the new way of working.

Provide ongoing training and support to ensure employees have the resources to sustain the change.

Key activities in the reinforcement change phase

  • Celebrate successes and recognize employee efforts
  • Collect and analyze feedback
  • Implement continuous improvement initiatives
  • Update policies and procedures
  • Provide ongoing training and support

Organizations can effectively manage change and achieve their desired outcomes by following Prosci’s 3-phase approach and implementing these key activities. Remember, change management is an ongoing process that requires commitment, communication, and collaboration at all levels of the organization.

Change Management Best Practices from Prosci

  • Implement proven strategies for successful change adoption
  • Engage employees at all levels to drive change success
  • Monitor and adjust change management efforts for continuous improvement

Prosci’s change management methodology provides a comprehensive framework for guiding organizations through change initiatives.

To maximize the effectiveness of this approach, consider the following best practices:

Secure Active and Visible Executive Sponsorship

Executive sponsorship is crucial for driving change success.

Senior leaders must be actively involved and visibly supportive of the change initiative.

This includes communicating the change’s importance and priority, allocating necessary resources, and modeling the desired behaviors.

Engage Executives Early

Involve senior leaders from the beginning of the change initiative.

Ensure they understand the business case for change and the potential impact on the organization.

Encourage them to participate in change planning sessions and provide input on key decisions.

Develop a Sponsorship Coalition

Create a coalition of executive sponsors who can champion the change across different areas of the organization.

This group should meet regularly to discuss progress, address challenges, and align on communication and engagement strategies.

Engage and Empower Employees

Employee engagement is essential for successful change adoption.

Involve employees in change planning and implementation to foster a sense of ownership and commitment.

Encourage open communication and feedback, and provide opportunities for employees to contribute and influence the change.

Establish Change Agent Networks

Identify and train a network of change agents who can support the change initiative at the grassroots level.

These individuals should be well-respected and influential within their teams or departments.

Empower them to facilitate discussions, gather feedback, and guide their peers.

Implement Two-Way Communication Channels

Create multiple channels for employees to receive information about the change and provide feedback.

This can include town hall meetings, focus groups, surveys, and online forums.

Regularly share updates on the progress of the change and promptly address employee concerns or questions.

Provide Effective Training and Support

Equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the change.

Develop targeted training programs that address the specific needs of different roles and functions.

Offer ongoing support and resources to help employees adapt to new processes, tools, or behaviors.

Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

Assess employees’ current skill levels and knowledge gaps impacted by the change.

Use this information to design training programs that are relevant, practical, and aligned with the change objectives.

Provide Multiple Learning Formats

Offer a variety of training options to accommodate different learning styles and preferences. This can include instructor-led sessions, e-learning modules, job aids, and hands-on simulations. Ensure training is accessible and convenient for employees to complete.

Measure and Monitor Change Progress

Assess the effectiveness of change management efforts regularly and adjust strategies as needed.

Define clear metrics and milestones to track change adoption and success.

Use quantitative and qualitative data to gain a holistic view of progress.

Establish a Change Scorecard

Develop a scorecard that includes key performance indicators (KPIs) related to change adoption, employee engagement, and business outcomes.

Review the scorecard regularly with the change leadership team to identify areas of success and improvement.

Conduct Periodic Assessments

Administer surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather employee feedback on their change experience.

Analyze the data to identify trends, barriers, and opportunities for enhancing change management efforts.

By applying these best practices, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of their change management initiatives and drive sustainable results.

The Prosci methodology provides a solid foundation, but success ultimately depends on adapting and tailoring strategies to each organization’s unique needs and culture.

Is Prosci Change Management Right for Your Organization?

  • Prosci’s methodology and tools can significantly increase an organization’s chances of successfully implementing change.
  • Prosci Change Management focuses on the people side of change and applies best practices to build readiness, commitment, and capability.
  • Organizations facing significant change initiatives should consider adopting Prosci’s comprehensive framework and practical tools to navigate complexities and realize benefits.

The Benefits of Prosci Change Management

Prosci Change Management offers a structured approach to managing change within organizations.

Prosci focuses on the people side of change to help organizations build the necessary readiness, commitment, and capability to achieve their desired outcomes.

According to Tim Creasey, Prosci’s Chief Innovation Officer, “Change management is the application of a structured process and set of tools for leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome.”

One key benefit of Prosci Change Management is its emphasis on engaging and supporting individuals throughout the change process.

Prosci’s founder, Jeff Hiatt, states, “The number one obstacle to success for major change projects is employee resistance and the ineffective management of the people side of change.”

Proven Methodology and Tools

Prosci’s change management methodology is based on over 20 years of research and experience working with organizations across various industries.

The methodology includes various tools and templates that help organizations assess their change readiness, develop a change management strategy, and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

According to a study by Prosci, “Projects with excellent change management are seven times more likely to meet objectives than those with poor change management”.

By adopting Prosci’s proven methodology and tools, organizations can significantly increase their chances of success when implementing change initiatives.

Addressing the People Side of Change

One of Prosci Change Management’s key distinguishing factors is its focus on the people side of change.

While many change initiatives prioritize technical and operational aspects, Prosci recognizes that successful change ultimately depends on the individuals involved.

As a Prosci Certified Advanced Instructor, Susanne Gross explains, “Change management is about helping people through their individual transitions so that they can adopt and use the change in their day-to-day work.”

Building Readiness, Commitment, and Capability

Prosci’s approach helps organizations build the necessary readiness, commitment, and capability among employees to embrace and sustain change.

This involves identifying and addressing individual concerns, providing training and support, and encouraging active participation in the change process.

According to a case study published by Prosci, a global pharmaceutical company that applied Prosci Change Management to a major IT transformation project, it reported a 20% increase in user adoption and a 15% reduction in support calls compared to similar projects without change management.

Navigating the Complexities of Change

Implementing change can be challenging, particularly for organizations undergoing significant transformations.

Prosci Change Management provides a comprehensive framework and practical tools for navigating the complexities of change and mitigating potential risks.

As Prosci’s Vice President of Global Business, Mark Dorsett, notes, “Change management is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Prosci’s methodology is flexible and scalable, allowing organizations to tailor their change management efforts to their specific needs and context”.

By applying Prosci’s best practices and leveraging its extensive knowledge base, organizations can proactively address challenges, build resilience, and drive successful change outcomes.

Embracing Change with Confidence

Prosci’s Change Management methodology offers a structured approach to successfully navigating organizational change.

By focusing on the people side of change and applying the ADKAR model, organizations can increase change success rates, enhance employee engagement, and improve overall agility.

Are You Ready to Lead Change?

Assessing your organization’s change readiness is crucial.

Consider factors such as leadership commitment, change management expertise, communication strategies, and alignment with organizational culture.

You can develop a targeted plan to improve your change readiness by identifying strengths and gaps.

Implementing Prosci’s methodology involves preparing for change, managing change, and reinforcing change.

By following these steps and applying best practices, such as securing executive sponsorship, engaging employees, providing effective training, and measuring progress, you can set your organization up for success.

Is your organization ready to embrace change with confidence? Adopting Prosci’s proven approach will equip your team with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in today’s ever-changing business landscape.

Take the first step today and assess your change readiness.

With the right strategy and support, you can lead your organization through change and emerge stronger than ever.

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Get insights from real-world scenarios and see how change management principles have been applied effectively in successful projects.

portrait of the blog author, Myriam Tisler

Hi, I’m Myriam.

I love blending tech with change management, user experience, project management, business analysis, streamlining processes, improving customer journeys, and designing business structures. While I’m not the top expert, I enjoy exploring these areas and sharing my insights. Whether it’s for large corporations or small startups, I’m passionate about finding efficient ways for them to work. I enjoy experimenting with new recipes and attending artsy events when I’m not doing that. This blog is my space to chat about all the cool business and tech topics I have discovered.

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